We're Adding 24/7 Access

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Social distancing is easy when you have your own private gym. Nosotros Downtown is now 24/7 capable. As the only 24/7 climbing gym in Northeast Ohio, our members can climb as early or late as they’d like. Before work? After midnight? Yes. You’ll have the entire gym to yourself. 

The 24/7 Membership is $79/mo. You’ll get a key fob with top security clearance and a code to our 24/7 Club Chat. Spots are limited. Request access to your 24/7 Membership.



Why 24/7? It fits your busy schedule and is social distance friendly.

Why $79? You get 24/7 access to Nosotros Downtown and Kilterboard, regular access to Nosotros Lakewood and weight room, plus all of the other membership benefits.

Already a member? $79 would become your new dues.

Safety? Security cameras and landline telephones are in place to satisfy insurance and ensure your safety.

Lakewood 24/7? Not any time in the near future.

First step? Request access and tell us your name. Spots are limited. 

Peter Stancato